In eight weeks, it will be Christmas!

On the weekend I walked past a shop in the Northwest mall which was full of Christmas decorations. My heart skipped a beat. “No, it can’t be! I’ve got so much to do before then – church celebrations, Christmas functions, year-end reports, 2024 planning, presents.” So much to do in such a small space of time. Know the feeling?

I wonder what Mary, the earthly mother of Jesus, was doing 8 weeks before the birth of Christ. We do know that Mary spent the first 3 months of her pregnancy with John the Baptist’s mother, Elizabeth (Luke 1:56), and probably left just before or just after John’s birth. During her stay Mary sang a song of praise to God for His might, holiness, and mercy (Luke 1:46-55). So, let’s sing songs of praise leading up to this Christmas, and let God put all our rushing around in perspective. Let’s not lose sight of what Christmas is actually about.

In the last few weeks of her pregnancy Mary would have been contemplating the uncomfortable three-day journey by donkey and foot, from Nazareth to Bethlehem to register in the required Roman census. Mary had incredible trust in God to provide for her. Most of us would have requested a “hospital pass” in case this special baby came early.

Leading up to Christmas, let’s have the faith of Mary. Keep praising God for all the things He has done for us, instead of worrying about what we must do before Christmas. Let’s keep trusting God that those He calls, He also provides for (even if it is a stable and not a motel these holidays 😉). Let’s not fall into societal consumerism this Christmas, or stress and worry, but instead be witnesses of God’s peace, love, grace, and hope.


Let’s not get overwhelmed this Christmas.


Thanksgiving and celebration