What is “Lent” and how could we benefit from its practices ? 

“Lent” is a 40-day period, running from Feb 14 until Easter (excluding Sundays). It draws on Christ’s 40 days of fasting in the wilderness, while He resisted Satan’s temptations, before starting His ministry. Lent is observed by many Christian denominations such as Catholic, Anglican, Presbyterian, Lutheran, and even several Baptist Churches. Some people fast from food during this time but you don’t have to. Lent involves repentance for sin, recognising the suffering Christ made for us, and setting time aside to pray and read the Bible. The whole purpose of “Lent” is for Christians to grow spiritually by spending devotional time with God.

Here are some impressive resources to help you spend quality time with God each day:

  1. Auckland Church Network has a 3-minute YouTube devotion sent straight to your email each day. It’s free and you can easily sign up here: https://www.aucklandchurchnetwork.nz/  The Daily looks at scenes from Luke’s Gospel as Jesus journeys to the Cross, revealing to followers of Christ what qualities we must also adopt on our own roads to our own crosses.

  2. “Lectio 365”  Why not download this excellent free app on your phone? They send you a morning and evening audible devotion. They explore themes in the wilderness in the lives of God’s people and of our own lives. There are silences for you to pray and reflect. Just 10 minutes morning and evening.

  3. “Baptist NZ” Go to your app sore on your phone and download this. Here you will find podcasts, videos, and all you need to know about the Baptist Movement of NZ, and our walk with Christ.



Yes, “Tithing” and generous giving are New Testament biblical principles.


Thank you Church