Prayer is a journey

In this series on prayer, we are not talking about an add-on to our daily life. Prayer should be a central part of who we are – like breathing. It is not an endless babble on our end; often it is the experience of listening and looking for the Spirit’s guidance through the day. One of the core aspect of relationships is trust, and this is particularly true when dealing with God. The more you consciously step out with Jesus, regardless of any pain you might face, the more you find Him reliable and trust grows.

 Do realize that there is no point in asking God to guide your steps if you are not willing to move your feet!

Prayer is not just about us and what we want, but a journey to learn to see things through His eyes.  There are wilderness times and rough times where that call to trust is really drawn on.  Prayer doesn’t change God – it changes us.  Yes, God will hear. There is a point in asking for help or to meet a need. He does act. But He hasn’t changed. That is His Character as a loving Father. Remember that as you talk to Him as you walk through the day. A good Father does not give a stone when you ask for bread, or a snake if you ask for an fish. (Matt 7:9-11.)

  • David Havill


Thank you Church

